We all have the SuperPower of Curiosity. It is inherent to being human. It is the drive to discover, the quest to question why until we reach a satisfying answer or a deeper question, a key to our joy in the wonders of living in this world. But sometimes we seem to lose our natural curiosity. This podcast is dedicated to regaining and enjoying our SuperPower of curiosity. It contains both radically informative talks and fascinating conversations with out-of-the-box experts. The first season of SuperPower Curiosity is about overcoming divisiveness. How do you regain peace of mind during divisive times, even if you can‘t change a political or social situation? This season delves into how you can transcend the toxic worlds of political and social divisiveness — with their constant invitations into worry or outrage — and stand in your own innate strength and joy. With peace of mind, not only do we feel so much better, we also give ourselves a better chance of being effective in changing our society for the better. This first season is based on Dr. Richard Gillett’s # 1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
14. How to Change Your Emotional State, A Conversation with Dr. Randy Cale
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
We all get caught — sometimes stuck — in emotions that are not so pleasant to experience. Being in charge of one’s own emotional state, and therefore one’s own happiness, is perhaps the greatest therapeutic gift. Yet techniques for changing one’s emotional state are only taught by a minority of psychologists and psychotherapists. In this episode, Dr. Randy Cale and Dr. Richard Gillett discuss cutting-edge techniques for changing an emotional state that you don’t want, into one that you do! Randy is an author and clinical psychologist who is unafraid to travel new ground or challenge old paradigms. He trained with Richard Bandler, co-originator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. He’s a family systems therapist, a cognitive behavioral therapist, a breathing technique specialist, and he gives optimal performance training through the new science of neurofeedback. In this episode, Randy speaks of the crucial ability that we can all develop: greater mastery over the state of feeling we would like to live in.
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
13. Decide What Is Within Your Own Power
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
When you feel weighed down by a difficult situation over which you have no control, what can you do to lighten your load? How can you handle upsetting news without feeling burdened? This short episode of SuperPowerCuriosity delves into the steps you can take to clarify exactly what is within your power to change, and what is outside your sphere of control. Making this distinction gives tremendous relief from the burden of carrying national situations on our shoulders, and provides the freedom to focus on the changes that we can realistically accomplish. This episode is excerpted from Dr. Richard Gillett’s #1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
12. Handle Others’ Anger Brilliantly
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
What do you do when someone is overtly or covertly angry with you? How do you avoid fueling the battle by getting angry back or silently resentful? This episode of SuperPower Curiosity provides practical steps on what to do, and what not to do, to avoid escalation and to find both empathy and effectiveness — even when someone is yelling at you! It is excerpted from Dr. Richard Gillett’s #1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
11. The Pleasure of Dropping Anger and How to Do It
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
When is anger a useful messenger for change, and when does it begin to hurt your health and diminish your ability to communicate? This episode of SuperPower Curiosity shows how anger that is a burden to you can be transcended without either violent expression or deadening repression. It shows how it is possible to transform anger against others into passion for the result you want — and how this transformation makes you more effective in getting those results. It is excerpted from Dr. Richard Gillett’s #1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
10. The Power of Mindfulness, a Conversation with Patti Holland
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
How can we maintain our good feeling in an us-them world of fighting factions? To learn more about practical ways to experience peace of mind in hot situations, listen to this fascinating conversation between Patti Holland and Dr. Richard Gillett in the CuriosiTea Room. Patti is Assistant Professor in the Mindfulness Center at Brown University School of Public Health. She is an expert and a teachers’ teacher on the practice of mindfulness and finding contentment no matter what the circumstances. In this episode, Patti details specific, doable methods for transforming your worry or outrage about external situations into peace of mind which, in turn, increases your ability to handle those external situations.
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
9. Protect Yourself from Divisive Influences in Party Politics
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
How can we take part in our democracy and be as effective as we can, without suffering from the unpleasant emotions that arise from us-and-them thinking? Emotions like outrage about the terrible things the other side has done or fear of what they might catastrophically do? This episode of SuperPower Curiosity spells out the 4 tricks that politicians play to get us fearful and angry. Seeing through these political games gives us peace of mind and is likely to make whatever political involvement we choose more effective. This episode is excerpted from Dr. Richard Gillett’s #1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
8. Protect Yourself from Divisive Influences in the Media
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
How do we take in the news, and remain as informed as we would like to be, without taking on the emotions that the news media often elicit — emotions like outrage at the hurt someone has caused, or worry about what will happen to our society or country? This episode of SuperPower Curiosity delves into the three aspects of taking in news that we have complete control over, and which can offer us peace of mind even during highly divisive times. It is excerpted from Dr. Richard Gillett’s #1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
7. Feeling Good About Yourself, a Conversation with Lester Strong
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
How can you enjoy the natural gifts of self-esteem and self-respect, when family, friends, and/or society give you the clear and repeated message that you are less than? To find out more about the social and psychological parameters of feeling good about yourself, listen to this powerful conversation between Lester Strong and Dr. Richard Gillett in the CuriosiTea Room. Lester Strong is an award-winning TV journalist, Executive Director of the Peaceful Guardians Project dedicated to healing racism, and a man who passionately believes that everyone, whatever their background, should have the benefit of enjoying self-respect. In this episode, Lester speaks of the crippling effects of low self-esteem and how this can be changed in our society.
40% BOOK SALE December 1-5, 2021: ItsaFreakinMess.com
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
6. The Tyrannosaurus in the Room
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
What is the difference between ego and self-esteem? This episode of SuperPower Curiosity looks at this crucial differentiation. How, on the one hand self-esteem is so helpful (to us and to those we connect with); and how, on the other hand, ego — our pride in being different or special — is directly linked to creating enemies and therefore to our experience of fear and anger. It is excerpted from Dr. Richard Gillett’s #1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
5. From Self-Criticism to Self-Appreciation, a Conversation with Dr. David Haddad
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
What happens when you focus on your abilities instead of your liabilities? To find out about the journey from self-criticism to self-appreciation, listen to this exciting conversation between Professor David Haddad and Dr. Richard Gillett in the CuriosiTea Room. David Haddad is a pioneer in Appreciative Inquiry — the understanding that we tend to do better when we focus on our qualities, rather than on our faults. In this episode David speaks of how to hone curiosity so that it is geared to what we want in our lives and to attaining the good feeling we all wish to have.