We all have the SuperPower of Curiosity. It is inherent to being human. It is the drive to discover, the quest to question why until we reach a satisfying answer or a deeper question, a key to our joy in the wonders of living in this world. But sometimes we seem to lose our natural curiosity. This podcast is dedicated to regaining and enjoying our SuperPower of curiosity. It contains both radically informative talks and fascinating conversations with out-of-the-box experts. The first season of SuperPower Curiosity is about overcoming divisiveness. How do you regain peace of mind during divisive times, even if you can‘t change a political or social situation? This season delves into how you can transcend the toxic worlds of political and social divisiveness — with their constant invitations into worry or outrage — and stand in your own innate strength and joy. With peace of mind, not only do we feel so much better, we also give ourselves a better chance of being effective in changing our society for the better. This first season is based on Dr. Richard Gillett’s # 1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.

Thursday Jul 28, 2022
24. Season Wrap
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Are there ways we can better prepare ourselves to live with peace of mind in a world that contains divisiveness? In this episode, Richard speaks briefly of three useful habits that strengthen and protect our higher values.

Thursday Jul 14, 2022
23. Transcending Divisiveness Makes You Happy
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
When we think divisively, we usually experience some degree of anger, outrage, worry, fear, or upset. None of these feel great. This episode shows how we can change our state by turning our focus from us/them thinking, with its associated unpleasant emotions, to the elevated and happier feelings of open heartedness. These elevated feelings — curiosity, wonder, compassion, calmness, warmth, contentment, inspiration, gratitude, care, love, kindness, and respect — are available to every one of us. And there is a single key to all of them! The episode is excerpted from Dr. Richard Gillett’s #1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.

Thursday Jun 30, 2022
22. Choose Your Thoughts, Choose Your Feelings
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Do we choose our thoughts and feelings, or do they seem to arise spontaneously, beyond our control? How much do we actively determine what we focus our minds on, or how much do we passively allow our focus to be selected for us by the haphazardly accrued habits of our mind, by the polarizations of the media, and by the words and actions of others? This episode shows how we can gain greater command of both our thoughts and our feelings — and, therefore, how we can dwell in more creative thoughts and more pleasant feelings! The episode is excerpted from Dr. Richard Gillett’s #1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.

Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
What is the relationship between meditation and polarized partisanship? None. And that’s the point. Meditation bypasses the us-vs-them pathways of anger and fear. In this episode, Richard interviews Professor Marjorie Woollacott, author of the multiple award winning book, Infinite Awareness, and author of over 180 peer-reviewed research articles. Marjorie has been a neuroscience professor for more than three decades and she has been a meditator for almost four decades. In this fascinating conversation, Richard and Marjorie explore the powerful effects of meditation — how meditation affects our minds, bodies, feelings and spirit. How it even changes the structure of our brains!

Thursday Jun 02, 2022
20. The Amazing Richness of Personal Choice
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Many things happen which we have no choice over. If a change we want involves anyone else at all, we have no definitive control over whether that change will ever occur, since other people also have choices! And yet, what we do have control over determines our happiness. This episode shows the richness of the choices we have — the powers we have over what we think, feel, say, and do — and how, when we align these four arenas of power with our full-hearted intention, we increase our potential for both happiness and effectiveness. The episode is excerpted from Dr. Richard Gillett’s #1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.

Thursday May 19, 2022
19: Reconnecting with Family and Friends
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
How can you mend broken bridges between yourself and others after you’ve argued heatedly — or distanced yourself coldly — over differing political affiliations? So many family relationships and friendships have been fractured by the political divisiveness that has been sold to us by politicians and the media. This episode is a practical guide on how to navigate strong differences of opinion at work, with neighbors, with friends and family, and after an argument with anyone!
For more about Richard's book, see ItsAFreakinMess.com.

Thursday May 05, 2022
18. Beyond All Prejudice
Thursday May 05, 2022
Thursday May 05, 2022
Prejudice creates unhappiness not only in those we are prejudiced against, but also in ourselves. We are never at peace when we carry enmity! So, if prejudice makes both sides unhappier, why on earth do human beings do it? This episode shows why prejudice occurs, and how different prejudices proceed through the same basic five steps. The good news about this is that overcoming prejudice can be easily done simply by transmuting the first of these five steps. How to do this is detailed in a powerful exercise which not only transcends prejudice but makes us feel more at peace and more content!
For more about Richard's book, see ItsAFreakinMess.com.

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
17. Curiosity — The Antidote to Partisanship, a Conversation with Mark Gerzon
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
How do we get ourselves out of a hyper-partisan mess that polarizes our country? In this episode, Richard interviews Mark Gerzon, experienced mediator between Republican and Democratic Members of Congress, the President of Mediators Foundation — which is dedicated to bridging social and political divides — and the author of the renowned book, THE REUNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In this fascinating and moving conversation, Richard and Mark explore the value of curiosity in transcending political hyper-partisanship and in fostering respect, kindness, and truth.
If you're interested in Richard's book, see ItsAFreakinMess.com.

Thursday Apr 07, 2022
16. The Relief of Seeing the Bigger Picture
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Sometimes we listen to the news and feel really upset, overwhelmed perhaps with a helpless “oh no!” Maybe we’re angry or disappointed that the outcome we wished for did not happen. This podcast episode is about re-focusing on the bigger picture — how it helps our state of mind to widen our lenses and observe a broader perspective. How will the setback that I perceive today pan out in 20 years? Or 50 years? To achieve this perspective, this episode contains a remarkable new exercise called “Time Travel”. It’s a way of looking back from a future dream we aspire to — and it creates a greater chance of that dream manifesting. The episode is excerpted from Dr. Richard Gillett’s #1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.

Thursday Mar 24, 2022
15. The Liberating Power of Curiosity
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Great leaps forward in human understanding—from medicine to motor vehicles, from molecular structure to the motion of planets—have occurred as the result of people’s curiosity. We all have this SuperPower of Curiosity, Dr. Gillett says — it is an innate feature of being human: the drive to discover; the quest to question why until we reach a satisfying answer or a deeper question; a key to learning with joy. But sometimes we lose touch with this natural ability. This episode shows us how to shine the light of our curiosity on our own patterns of thinking, liberating us from limiting mental boundaries, in order to gain an expanded, and more joyous, sense of understanding. The episode is excerpted from Dr. Richard Gillett’s #1 bestselling book: It’s a Freakin’ Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.